
mollermethod has three types of exports: Methods, Tags, and Providers.


Methods are the main type of export you will use. They are best compared to Discord’s Application Commands.

Let’s take a look at a simple plugin with one method:

local api = ... -- Every plugin should have this line at the top - it's how you access mollermethod's API.
local Method = api.Method

-- This is a Method!
local spawn_part = Method{
	Name = "Part",
	Description = "Spawns a part on people",
	Replicated = false,
	Disabled = false,
	Run = function(args)
		for _, player in pairs(args.People) do"Part", workspace):PivotTo(player.Character:GetPivot())
	Arguments = {
		People = {
			Required = true,
			Type = "players",

-- This is where plugin metadata and your exports are.
return {
	Name = "My first plugin!",
	Version = "v1.0.0",
	-- Simply add your methods and tags here, without a key.


Arguments are how your Method can get input from the player.

Arguments = {
	People = {
		Type = "players",
		Required = true,

Arguments is a table where the keys are the argument names, and the values are tables with the type, and a boolean saying if it’s required.


Here’s a quick map of our type names to Luau types:


This is where the magic happens!

Run = function(args)
	for _, player in pairs(args.People) do"Part", workspace):PivotTo(player.Character:GetPivot())

args is a table with your Arguments from before.

Say your Method was invoked on player SunRaysEffect. You’d get a table like this:

	People = {
		(game:service "Players"):FindFirstChild "SunRaysEffect"

You can also run your Methods from other parts of your code. This may be useful for reducing code complexity.

	People = { game:service"Players":FindFirstChild"SunRaysEffect" },

If you yield for more than 5 seconds, mollermethod will display a notification to the user when your Method completes.


Besides Run and Arguments, your Method has other properties:

Name = "Part", -- Required

This is what your Method will be called in Commander, the player list, and others. It can contain spaces! Autocomplete is not case sensitive.

Replicated = false, -- Optional

With the power of mollermethod’s serverside integration, you can use Replicated to effectively disable FE for your Methods.

Of course, the user will need to be in a backdoored game; you can use Providers.Serverside to add support for your backdoor.

Disabled = false, -- Optional

If set to true, your Method will not show up in autocomplete.

Properties can be modified at runtime! This can be useful when using Disabled.

spawn_part.Disabled = true


Tags allow you to group players for the user to use in autocomplete, for them to see in the player list, and for you to add filters in your Methods.

You can also give a score for your tags, for use when sorting: For example, a “Furry” tag could be scored based on how many accessories and groups a player is in.

Let’s amend the previous plugin to add a Tag:

local api = ... -- Every plugin should have this line at the top - it's how you access mollermethod's API.
local Method = api.Method
local Tag = api.Tag

-- This is a Method!
local spawn_part = Method{
	Name = "Part",
	Description = "Spawns a part on people",
	Replicated = false,
	Disabled = false,
	Run = function(args)
		for _, player in pairs(args.People) do"Part", workspace):PivotTo(player.Character:GetPivot())
	Arguments = {
		People = {
			Required = true,
			Type = "players",

-- This is a tag!
local account_age = Tag{
	Name = "Veteran",
	Filter = function(player)
		return math.floor(player.AccountAge / 365.25)

-- This is where plugin metadata and your exports are.
return {
	Name = "My first plugin!",
	Version = "v1.0.0",
	-- Simply add your methods and tags here, without a key.

You return a number in your Filter function.

If it’s 0, your tag will not be displayed. If it’s 1, your tag will be displayed, without a score. If it’s 2 or larger, your tag will be displayed along with your score.


Providers allow you to do two things:

  1. Give mollermethod game statistics for use in Autofarm Mode, and webhooks.
  2. Tell mollermethod how to run serverside code in a backdoored game.

The API is currently quite a bit different from the previous two:

-- Our code from before ...
return {
	-- Our metadata and exports...

	Providers = {
		Serverside = function(code)
			if game.PlaceId == "a backdoored game with a really dumb remote" then
		Screensaver = {
			Gold = function()
			if game.PlaceId ~= 537413528 then return end
				return game.Players.LocalPlayer.Variables.Gold.Value


…is where mollermethod gives you code and you run it on the server.


This is where you can provide game stats for Autofarm Mode.

It’s a table where keys are the name of the stat, and the value is a function where you return that stat’s value. If you return nil, mollermethod will not display it.

Dedicated to Molly the Beagle, 2009-2022 💔